Upcoming events
WAEOPP strives to offer events to strengthen the services provided to our various Educational Opportunity Programs. Including student development events, continued legislative advocacy, and professional development opportunities for its members. Check out what we have to offer!
Fall 2024 WAEOPP McNair/SSS Graduate School Retreat
The retreat features multiple opportunities for students to network and learn about graduate school no matter where they are at in their graduate school exploration and application journey.
Please mark your calendars to save the date and join us in this exciting opportunity for students! The McNair/SSS Graduate School Retreat is an in-person conference, with partial virtual content for virtual attendees that focuses on the graduate school exploration and application experience including graduate school fairs, past keynotes of Dr. Don Asher and Carl McNair, and much more!
More information on conference registration and hotel accommodations will be coming soon! For any questions on the conference please contact mcnairsssretreat@eoa.org.
No Props Provided-Presented by Paradigm Shift
Register HERE!
EOA has partnered with Paradigm Shift to provide professional development opportunities to members! This event will be presented by Paradigm Shift.
Train the Trainer: No Props Provided
-Great facilitation can happen regardless of props or technology. This activity-centric topic is all about how to lead activities without any props needed. Your staff will learn brand-new activities from connection to team-building and beyond. At the end of this training, your staff will have a plethora of new content to use in their workshops- no props required.
WAEOPP Wellness
WAEOPP Annual Spring Conference
Opening Doors of TRIO: Embracing Accessibility & Maximizing Inclusion at the Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
WI Student Leadership & Advocacy Summit
You are invited to join us for the second WAEOPP Wisconsin Leadership and Advocacy Summit on Saturday, April 6th, 2024. The summit will take place at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin and will include workshops on advocacy and leadership, an introduction to careers in public service, a hands-on advocacy project, and a tour of the state capitol. This event is focused on developing your students to become advocates for themselves and leaders in their communities!
Register here
WAEOPP Financial Wellness
Join the WAEOPP Development Team for the second session of WAEOPP Wellness! This event is part of a series addressing the 8 areas of wellness. Didn’t attend the first session? No problem. This session is on Financial Wellness and features a speaker from WESTconsin Credit Union: Wednesday, March 20th, 1:00-1:50 pm. No need to register.
Please print the Wellness Wheel Activity: https://studentwellness.uci.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Assessing-Your-Life-Balance.pdf and bring it to the session.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83017006501?pwd=QiticGZFUVVkTlUzQ1lVSEI2YitWZz09
Council for Opportunity in Education’s annual Policy Seminar
This year, the Council for Opportunity in Education’s annual Policy Seminar, Sunday, March 17 through Wednesday, March 20, 2024, includes three events: the Leadership Summit, the Seminar on Relations with the U.S. Department of Education, and the Legislative Conference. For individuals participating in the Policy Seminar, COE strongly encourages online registration. Download the paper registration form here.
WAEOPP General Assembly Meeting & Installation of 2024 Officers
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center | 400 Renaissance Dr. W. Detroit, MI
49th Annual EOA Professional Conference
49th Annual EOA Professional Conference
Call for proposals open until August 15, 2023.
View the Tentative Conference Schedule
Book your room at the conference hotel.
Fall 2023 WAEOPP McNair & SSS Graduate School Retreat
The WAEOPP McNair & SSS Graduate School Retreat will be held in-person at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells on Friday, September 29 and Saturday September 30. The conference offers students the opportunity to explore the graduate admissions process, how to apply and get in, how to go to graduate school for free, and how to prepare for transitioning to graduate school. The retreat also includes an in-person graduate school fair! This conference offers multiple tracks and breakout sessions throughout the two days!
This 2-day intensive seminar is designed to jump start students as they prepare for the graduate school application process and prepare for their transition to graduate school. The conference will be in-person, with virtual access to larger workshop sessions and keynotes.