Policy Seminar
Each year a delegation of TRIO Professionals and TRIO Alumni from WI visits Capitol Hill to advocate for the continuation of funding for TRIO programs. The group attends the COE Policy Seminar with TRIO professionals from across the nation for professional development and to prepare for meetings on Capitol Hill. They then meet with Congressional Representatives from the state of Wisconsin. To learn more about the Department of Education and TRIO programs: Department of Education/TRIO
State Initiative
Wisconsin was one of eight states selected by COE to participate in a State Pilot Initiative in 2022 to accelerate the work with our state education leaders and policymakers in order to increase TRIO’s sphere of influence and expand programs and services for first-generation low-income students in Wisconsin.
Recent History of Legislation & Education in Wisconsin Leading to the State Initiative
2017- The Legislation and Education Committee was a Committee of ONE
2018- WAEOPP supported bringing two alumni (non-employees) to the COE Policy Seminar. The two members helped organize a delegation to the COE Policy Seminar
2019- The L&E Committee is co-chaired at Yale Executive Leadership Institute- a discussion began about the need for a “state-level policy seminar.”
2020- The L&E Committee continues to be co-chaired, and additional members join.
2021- Co-chaired committee with additional members—the committee is up to 4-5 people, began virtual Advocacy Series.
2022- WAEOPP selected for COE Pilot State Initiative. The committee co-chaired and continued to grow to 7 members.
2023- WAEOPP requested to continue with the COE State Pilot Initiative for 2nd year. The committee co-chaired collaborations with other states—Texas, Michigan, Iowa, and Oregon.